The STAR Interview Technique - a Guide.


19th June, 2024

The STAR Interview Technique - a Guide

The STAR method is a structured technique used to answer behavioural interview questions. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This approach allows the interviewee to provide clear, concise, and thoughtful answers based on real-life examples from their own experiences.

The STAR method is not just an interview response strategy; it’s a structured approach that helps you present your experiences and skills in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your potential employer.

Here are some key aspects of the STAR method that further shows its importance:

  • Specificity: The STAR method encourages you to focus on specific situations rather than generalities. This allows interviewers to see exactly how you apply your skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Structure: By following the Situation, Task, Action, Result framework, you ensure your responses are organised and coherent. It also ensures you don’t miss out on any critical details.
  • Relevance: With STAR, you can tailor your answers to demonstrate how your past experiences directly align with the job requirements.
  • Evidence-Based: Rather than simply stating that you have certain skills, the STAR method enables you to provide concrete examples.

Breaking down the components:

Situation: Set the scene

Task: Define your responsibilities

Action: Describe what steps you took

Result: Highlight the outcomes

Situation: Start by providing context.

What was the environment like? Was it a high-pressure sales team chasing ambitious targets, or an under-resourced Quality team struggling to meet business needs?

Perhaps it was a start-up business on the verge of significant expansion, or a well-established business navigating a challenging market downturn?

Next, identify any key players involved.

Were there colleagues who played pivotal roles? Or maybe external stakeholders like clients, suppliers, or regulatory bodies that influenced the situation?

Remember, details are crucial here but be careful not to get lost in them.

This isn’t just about painting a picture of your past work environment. You’re laying out the particular circumstances surrounding the challenge you faced. So clearly define what made this situation unique or difficult.

The ‘Task’ component is where you’ll outline your specific responsibilities in a given situation.

When detailing your task, clarity is crucial. You want the interviewer to understand exactly what was expected of you.

Start by describing any objectives or goals that were set for you at the outset. Were there targets or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you had to meet? Did you have a deadline?

These details help paint a picture of the pressure or challenges involved in your task.

Next, consider any constraints or limitations that might have been present. For instance, did you have limited resources, such as time, budget, or manpower? Were there any particular rules or regulations that needed to be adhered to?

Also crucial in this section is demonstrating an understanding of who benefited from your tasks – whether it was clients, colleagues, stakeholders, or even broader.

By doing this, not only are you showing awareness of your role within a larger context but also emphasising its significance.

Action: Describing The Steps You Took

Taking action is the critical core of the STAR Method.

It’s where you get to demonstrate your problem-solving skills, initiative, and ability to adapt in real-time situations.

Here’s how you can effectively describe the steps you took:

  1. Be Specific: Avoid vague descriptions. Instead, delve into the exact steps you undertook to address the situation or task at hand. Did you organise a team meeting? Implement a new software system? Develop a marketing strategy? The more specific, the better.
  2. Showcase Your Skills: This is your chance to highlight your unique abilities and strengths. Focus on actions that underline key competencies such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, resilience, or strategic thinking.
  3. Include Collaborative Efforts: If your action involved others (e.g., colleagues, stakeholders), mention their involvement to show your ability to work effectively within a team.

Result: Highlighting The Outcomes Of Your Actions

  • In the STAR method, the Result is your shining moment, your chance to highlight the outcomes of your actions.
  • The key here is to quantify your success whenever possible. Numbers speak volumes in an interview setting.
  • Did you increase sales by 20%? Reduce customer complaints by 50%? Or perhaps you streamlined a process that saved 10 hours of work each week? These are powerful statements that can establish you as a problem-solver who gets results.
  • But what if your result wasn’t quantifiable or didn’t end in absolute success? That’s okay too! What matters is that you show progress, learning, and growth.

Remember, not all results have to be earth-shattering successes. Sometimes, they’re stepping stones towards bigger victories down the line.

Another point worth noting is that results should ideally tie back to the company’s goals or values. This shows alignment with their mission and demonstrates how you could contribute if hired.

Good Luck!

If you need any help with this or want to discuss, please get in touch with one of the team who will be happy to talk through on 0161 399 1575.






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